20thJuly - 28th July 2024
LOST... in the forest! Tech Residency | Mumbai
In collaboration with G5A Foundation for Contemporary Culture, Mumbai
9th August 2024
LOST... in the forest! | Premiere at The Jamshed Bhabha Theatre, NCPA Mumbai
In collaboration with The National Centre for the Performing Arts Mumbai
and G5A Foundation for Contemporary Culture, Mumbai
23rd August 2024
The Parabola Of Dance | Performance & Process
An evening of performances and dialogues curated by Aditi Mangaldas
The Stein Auditorium, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
1st - 15th September 2024
Collaborative Residency at Drishtikon Studio for IPAC Festival Singapore
In partnership with Apsara Arts Singapore
22nd & 23rd September 2024
TALAASH... the Seeking!
International Dance Dialogues at Thessaloniki, Greece
An Attiki Cultural Society presentation
28th September 2024
A performance by Drishtikon Repertory in collaboration with Apsara Arts, Singapore
At the IPAC / Indian Performing Arts Convention, Singapore