...breathtaking in its complexity and precision…
Stage Talk Magazine / 10 April 2024 / By Graham Wyles ( star rating / MEHEK)

...an entrancing experience, both visually and emotionally... Mangaldas is entrancing, her agility and technical ability undiminished by age, her presence tremendously sensual.
CultureWhisper / 13 April 2024 / By Teresa Guerreir( star rating / MEHEK)

A remarkable work of total theatre...
CriticalDance / 13 April 2024 / by Stuart Sweeney( star rating / MEHEK)

...a meeting of equals at the top of their game... secure technically and able to play freely with their emotions and their artistry at another level…
LiftedLeg / 13 April 2024 / By Bruce Marriott( star rating / MEHEK)

A beautiful, astonishingly well-crafted piece of art… MEHEK is a masterpiece.
A Young(ish) Perspective / 14 April 2024 / By Jason Showdie( star rating / MEHEK)

...Aditi showed why she is rightfully considered one of the greatest of all time.
Eastern Eye / 27 April 2024 / By Asjad Nazir( star rating / MEHEK)

...intoxicating… exhilarating… immediately captivating
The Times / 15 April 2024 / By Donald Hutera( star rating / MEHEK)

...a compelling ecstasy of love... handsomely staged, powerfully danced… Mehek was Aditi Mangaldas’s first ever duet: don’t let it be her last.
Financial Times / 16 April 2024 / By Louise Levene( star rating / MEHEK)

...beautifully crafted show… that glints like a jewel…There is indeed a lingering beauty to this piece, which finds arresting expression for a tale with real heart and soul.
The Stage / 15 April 2024 / By Siobhan Murphy

Mehak is a thing of rare beauty. Movement, lighting, sets and music conspire to create a flowing outpouring of drama from visually arresting imagery to emotionally charged dance in an evening that etches deep into the sensory memory bank….
British Theatre Guide / 17 April 2024 / By Rachel Nouchi

...a labour of love by two masters... The emotions are powerful, and the overall effect of lighting, music, reflections from broken mirrors and bodies in motion is extraordinary.
CityAM / 22 April 2024 / By Grace Times

...flawless dance... Their performances were faultless, whether in dialogue or in synch., each in tune with the other, in joy and in torment… moved some to tears.
Pulse Connects / 22 April 2024 / By the Pulse Dance Audience Club

With undiminished brilliance and virtuosity in the decades of her dancing career, Aditi Mangaldas presented a whirlwind of electrifying choreography executed with stunning power and precision
The Hindu, India / January 2024

An icon of Kathak, Aditi Mangaldas proved what extraordinary talent can do to ordinary units of dance.... Aditi is adroit at communication. She took Kathak to another level.
Narthaki, India / January 2024